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Universidade Lusófona

Rui Lourosa

Media Arts Creative Industries and Technology

Doctor in Media Arts by Universidade Lusófona, DEA by Universidad de Vigo, Degree in Art and Communication by ESAP, was also participant and fellow at the Stage Europeo degli Esordi in Lucca, Italy. He is currently a researcher in the Art and Critical Studies research group at the Arnaldo Araújo Study Center. Develops work in the scope of his research, the photographic, the ethnographic and death. Experiments and works continuously with the photographic and cinematographic processes. It produces, experiments and researches in the technical and artistic sphere with printing processes in their most procedural character: digital, but especially analogue, alternative and historical, paying particular interest to the materiality and limits of the image. He has been continuously presenting communications, conferences and exhibitions about his research and artistic practice. He teaches at the Escola Superior Artística do Porto in several curricular units in the project and printing areas where he is currently Director in the degree Visual Arts - Photography.