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Universidade Lusófona

Researchers present projects on 19th Century Visual Culture at "Encontros no ANIM"

On May 23rd, researchers Ana David Mendes (Early Visual Media Lab—CICANT, Universidade Lusófona), Susana Martins (Institute of Art History, FCSH—Universidade Nova de Lisboa/ IN2PAST), and Victor Flores (Early Visual Media Lab—CICANT, Universidade Lusófona) participated in "Encontros no ANIM" event, where they presented the findings of their research projects on the collections of stereoscopic views by Carlos Relvas and cosmoramas from the Cinemateca.

The presentation - "Hyperarchives and Virtual Heritage: Investigating Optical Media with the Collections of the Portuguese Cinematheque-Museum of Cinema" - showcased two research projects on 19th-century visual culture developed from the Cinemateca's collections. These projects addressed current historical and museological challenges through digital humanities. The Catalogue Raisonné of Carlos Relvas's Stereoscopic Photography (CICANT, 2019-2021) inventoried and combined the stereoscopic views by Carlos Relvas held by the Cinemateca into a hyper archive along with ten other collections of Relvas's photography and their respective negatives. Meanwhile, FCT Curiositas: An Archaeology of Immersive Media through Virtual Reality and Iberian Cosmoramas (CICANT and IHA FCSH / IN2PAST, 2022-) used the 18th and 19th-century views and optical devices from the Cinemateca as a basis for an experimental recreation in Virtual Reality of the Iberian cosmoramas.

The presentations highlighted the employed methodologies, emphasizing their potential for mapping and reinterpreting audiovisual heritage, as well as creating new virtual experiences and interactions both inside and outside museums.

  • published 21 May 2024
  • modified 11 July 2024