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Universidade Lusófona

Keynote speech "The gendered politics of naming - Reflecting on queering academic praxis"

On the 19th of June researcher Daniel Cardoso delivered the closing keynote speech of the IX Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadorxs con perspectiva de género. Daniel Cardoso presented a talk focused on the need for reflexive knowledge production when coining new terminologies and theories, drawing from work done conducted within the "FEMglocal" project, and within the Marie Curie project "CNM-MOVES". 

The event took place in Madrid and online and gathered young researchers who are currently carrying out or have recently carried out their doctoral research or master's thesis on gender issues. The congress aims to promote its consolidation as a reference event within Feminist and Gender Studies.

  • published 22 June 2024
  • modified 15 July 2024