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Universidade Lusófona

FEMglocal's results discussed at IBERCOM 2022

The research project FEMglocal - Glocal feminist movements: interactions and contradictions, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021), and coordinated by the researchers Carla Cerqueira and Célia Taborda, was present at the XVII IBERCOM Congress on Communication, Identities and Dialogue in the Mediatized City [Comunicação, Identidades e Diálogo na Cidade Mediatizada]. On October 27, Sónia Lamy and Camila Lamartine, researchers from the FEMglocal team, presented their papers developed within the project’s scope in a panel on “Symbolic Expressions of Gender: Cultural Identities and Women’s Representation in the Media. Feminisms, Masculinity, LGBT+ and Trans’ Daily Life and Identity Dynamics in Flux” [Expressões Simbólicas de Género: Identidades Culturais e Representações da Mulher na Mídia. Feminismos, Masculinidade, LGBT+, Cotidiano Trans e Dinâmicas Identitárias em Fluxo]. Sónia Lamy presented a paper coauthored by Daniel Cardoso and Carla Cerqueira on “Journalistic representations on the feminist identity: Clues to the media coverage of feminisms” [Representações jornalísticas sobre a identidade feminista: Pistas sobre a cobertura noticiosa dos feminismos]. Camila Lamartine, on the other hand, presented her paper on “Glocal Feminism and Cyberspace: The Internatinal Women’s Strike in Portugal” [Feminismo Glocal no Ciberespaço: A Greve Feminista Internacional em Portugal], co-written by Carla Cerqueira, Célia Taborda and Marisa Torres da Silva.

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  • published 02 November 2022
  • modified 04 November 2022