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Universidade Lusófona

muSEAum - Branding the Sea Museums of Portugal Special Dossier published in RLE

The 57th issue of Revista Lusófona de Educação (RLE), Lusófona University's (Scopus reviewed) journal on education,has been published. This issue presents a special dossier entitled muSEAum – Branding the Sea Museums of Portugal on the eponymous research project funded by FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/EGE-OGE/29755/2017), developed by CICANT. The dossier includes six articles.

The first article, authored by Nuno Cintra Torres (“muSEAum – Branding the Sea Museums of Portugal Research: findings and perspectives of an innovation journey”) addresses the definition, management, and communication strategy of the museum brand, the benefits of a Sea Museum of Portugal collective brand, as well as visitor experience technologies, national and international reach and awareness, and local tourism. Then, Rute Muchacho’s article (“O digital no espaço museológico: mediação cultural e comunicação com o(s) público(s))” questions how digital media have changed museum communication and interaction with the public and contributed to a new visitor experience leading to a redefinition of the museum space.

Kirsten Drotner (“Engaging citizen resources as catalysts of museum innovation”) proposes a discussion on how and why citizen engagements can catalyse sustainable museum innovation, facilitated in particular by personalised devices and the Internet. Célia Quico's article (“Memórias imersivas da Nazaré: mergulhar no passado e especular sobre o futuro com as fotografias estereoscópicas de Álvaro Laborinho”), based on the historical stereoscopic photography of Laborinho, offers a voyage in time, from 1920 to 2110, as to reflect about the present and the future of the place.

Then Nicole Costa (“Tá uma nortada!”: alteridades e confluências na implantação de um projeto de gestão museológica em Portugal”) writes about her experience in the management of three neighbouring museums (Museu José Malhoa, Museu da Cerâmica e Museu Dr. Joaquim Manso – Nazaré) in the district of Leiria. Finaly, Ivone Magalhães (“Reinventar o Museu de Esposende: um museu polinucleado”) reflects about the creation of several heritage-tourist routes integrated into the polynucleate agro-maritime Esposende Municipal Museum.

The special issue is available in open access here.


  • published 03 April 2023
  • modified 13 April 2023