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Universidade Lusófona

Célia Taborda at the XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology

On April 5th, Célia Taborda, principal investigator of the FEMglocal - Glocal Feminist Movements: Interactions and Contradictions research project (financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through national funds - PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021), participated in the XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, which focused on the theme “Polarized Societies? Challenges for Sociology”.
In a panel on Education and Gender, moderated by Susana da Cruz Martins, Célia Taborda presented the paper “Educar para a igualdade e diversidade no ensino secundário: contributos de um booklet para a recuperação da memória histórica sobre os feminismos em Portugal” (“Educating for equality and diversity in secondary education: contributions from a booklet for the recovery of the historical memory on feminisms in Portugal”), which was developed in collaboration with Carla Cerqueira (FEMglocal’s PI), Priscilla Domingos (the project’s PhD fellow) and Ana Sofia Pereira (FEMglocal’s Post-Doc fellow). Given that schools are one of the primary institutional socialization spaces that contribute to the consolidation of historical invisibilities, inequalities and gender stereotypes, this paper seeks to explore how the creation and dissemination of content that favors the breaking of these stereotypes in formal and non-formal education contexts can promote social change.
The presentation of the booklet “História dos Ativismos Feministas em Portugal” (“History of Feminist Activisms in Portugal”), developed within the scope of FEMglocal’s research project, served as a starting point for a discussion on how its contents, as well as the process by which they were created (via a literature review and the identification of central concepts in this domain, anchored in situated knowledge), may contribute to the promotion of literacy regarding feminism and feminist activism related issues. The paper questioned how publications such as this one might help deconstruct prejudices and unique narratives of feminism, ultimately promoting equality and diversity.  
  • published 08 May 2023
  • modified 08 May 2023