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Universidade Lusófona

Carla Cerqueira at the II Congresso da Rede Nacional de Estudos Culturais

On April 27th, Carla Cerqueira, principal investigator of the FEMglocal - Glocal Feminist Movements: Interactions and Contradictions research project (financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through national funds - PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021), participated in the II Congresso da Rede Nacional de Estudos Culturais (Congress of the National Network of Cultural Studies, RNEC), organized by the Arts and Communication Research Centre (CIAC) and the School of Education and Communication (ESEC). This year's theme was “Cidadania Digital e Culturas do Contemporâneo” (“Digital Citizenship and Contemporary Cultures”).
Carla Cerqueira represented FEMglocal’s project in a thematic session on “A(r)tivism” with her presentation on “Glocal feminist movements: resistance actions online and in the streets”, developed in collaboration with Célia Taborda (the project’s Co-PI) and Ana Sofia Pereira (FEMglocal’s postdoctoral fellow). Cerqueira reflected on the “new” dynamics of activism, the intersection between online and offline activism, and the role of glocal feminist movements in challenging established social constructs.
Taking the #MeToo movement as a starting point, the presentation aimed to analyze the glocal expressions of #MeToo in Portugal and evaluate its socio-cultural impact on the country. In summary, FEMglocal’s participation at RNEC’s congress emphasized the importance of glocal feminist movements and the power of collective and connected action in promoting local and global socio-cultural changes.
  • published 08 May 2023
  • modified 13 July 2023