Join us between September 6th and 8th, hosted by Lusófona University and organized by CICANT. Delve into the intriguing world of contested online environments, where social justice movements and activists harness visual representations for their causes. These hybrid practices blend online and offline activities, exploring the complex dynamics of visibility, resistance, and digital participation.
Keynote Speakers:
Daniela Jaramillo-Dent (University of Zurich) - "The platformed migrant: The politics of migrant bodies and their (in)visibility"
? 6th September, 2 pm (Portugal time)
? YouTube link:
Round Table: Queer and feminist activisms on social media: Experiences, challenges, pitfalls
With: Alexa Santos (Clube Safo), Marta Martins (Manamiga) and Inês Mourão (Nasty Women Portugal)
? YouTube link:
Marloes Geboers (University of Amsterdam) - "Feeling Rules: Embodiment, Visibility, and Affective Polarization on WarTok"
? 8th September, 11 am (Portugal time)
? YouTube link:
Explore the intricate connection between politics, digital and the body.
For more information, visit: