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Universidade Lusófona

INR's Session on Engineer Jaime Filipe Award

CICANT researchers Carla Sousa and José Carlos Neves, as coordinators of the EducaçãoAcessí project, which won the Engineer Jaime Filipe 2022 Technological Innovation Award, shared the impact that this distinction had on their research work in the field of accessibility. This conversation took place during the launch session of the 2023 edition of the same award, which took place on the 9th of October, and was promoted by Instituto Nacional para a Reabilitação (INR, I.P.).

 It is available here:


About the project

Educação Acessível (Accessible Education) is a project that aims to develop and make available for free educational games that are accessible to deaf children. This initiative is the result of a collaboration between the Video Games Degree at the School of Communication, Arts and Technology - Lusófona University, Casa Pia de Lisboa and the IP-CED Jacob Rodrigues Pereira. It currently offers 26 free video games with the integration of Portuguese sign language, aimed at teaching mathematics. The games available range from pre-school to the 3rd cycle of basic education.


  • published 27 October 2023
  • modified 27 October 2023