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Universidade LusĂłfona

December ends with new publications from CICANT researchers

The year 2023 ended with new publications by various CICANT researchers.

📄 The Trajectories That Remain to Be Told: Civic Participation, Immigrant Organizations, and Women’s Leadership in Portugal

A new study conducted by Joana Topa and Carla Cerqueira investigates the civic engagement of migrant women in Portugal's civil society organizations. Despite limited research on this topic, the study reveals the challenges faced by female immigrant leaders and their role in facilitating integration. The research emphasizes the overlooked success stories of migrant women and highlights the need for government support for these organizations. Overall, it underscores the significance of recognizing and supporting the contributions of immigrant women in promoting integration and advocating for immigrants' rights in Portugal.
You can read it in here👉

💻"Onde estão as pesquisas sobre gênero na Comunicação? Uma análise da produção em língua portuguesa [Where are the researches on gender in Communication? An analysis of production in Portuguese]

A new article authored by Juliana Souza, Michelly de Carvalho, Daniela Drummond, and Carla Cerqueira analyzes scientific publications focusing on gender themes at the onset of the fourth feminist wave. The findings from the 15 selected articles demonstrate that while the texts address gender issues and mention fourth-wave themes (harassment, gender-based violence, and intersectionality), only four take a feminist approach. The most prominent authors in this field are Joan Scott and Judith Butler, with limited interaction among certain areas. However, the study highlights the lack of dialogue present in research on these themes in Portuguese-language publications.
Available here👉

đź“– YouNDigital: A Multidisciplinary Co-creation Strategy to Define Audiences, Users, and Contexts of Use of a Digital Newsroom+

The new article written by the YouNDigital researchers, Andreia Pinto de Sousa, Margarida Maneta, Teresa Sofia Castro, Mafalda Marinho, and Maria José Brites, reports on the design and creation process of a web app to host the project's digital newsroom. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of involving young people in the discussion by listening to their voices and understanding their interests in order to capture their engagement.

You can read it in here👉

✍️ "Nós matámos o Cão-Tinhoso" e Monólogos com a História: entre a Literatura e o Cinema

The new article written by Renata Flaiban Zanete, Viviane Almeida and by CICANT researcher Lurdes Macedo was published in the literary studies journal, vol. 13, from the University of Coimbra. O artigo pretende analisar como o projeto de nação que se ambicionou para Moçambique aparece questionado em certas reescritas e memórias (por vezes conflitantes), remetendo-nos ao passado colonial e revolucionário.

Available here 👉

📚 O engajamento dos jovens com notícias sobre alterações climáticas: uma abordagem a partir dos domínios morais [Young people’s engagement with news about climate change: an approach from moral domains]

Pedro Rodrigues Costa co-authored an article in Media & Jornalismo examining the influence of moral domains on the consumption of climate change news among young people in Portugal and Brazil. The study, grounded in the Theory of Moral Attributes, analyzed 21,338 Portuguese tweets on environmental news, administered the Moral Foundations Questionnaire to 265 young participants, and conducted focus groups. Findings revealed harm and care as predominant morals, with climate change news engagement dependent on rational justifications for accused individuals. The research provides valuable insights into the nuanced relationship between moral values and climate change news reception among the youth in both countries.

Read here👉

🗣️ Da rede às ruas: o impacto do ciberfeminismo no movimento 8M [From the web to the streets: the impact of cyberfeminism on the 8M movement]

The article “From the web to the streets: the impact of cyberfeminism on the 8M movement”, authored by Camila Lamartine and Carla Cerqueira, researcher and principal investigator of the FEMglocal – Glocal feminist movements: interactions and contradictions research project, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through national funds (PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021 / DOI 10.54499/PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021), was recently published in the journal “Communication, Technologies et Développement”, in the special issue “Numérique avancé, communication et activisme”, under the direction of Isabel Babo (FEMglocal researcher) and Luís Cláudio Ribeiro. This article, featured in the doctoral research section, and showcasing Camila Lamartine’s contributions during her doctoral journey within the framework of FEMglocal’s research project, explores the role of cyberfeminism in the 8M movement in Portugal, focusing particularly on the period spanning from 2020 to 2021. It discusses how digital activism served as a catalyst for the International Feminist Strike, extending its influence and fostering connections among women at both the national and international levels. Additionally, the study sheds light on the strategic use of Instagram as a tool for disseminating feminist information and understanding gender dynamics within the digital space and society. The research results underscore the significant influence of cyberfeminism in driving the 8M movement in Portugal, actively promoting a diversified dialogue, while also acknowledging the existence of a predominant white hegemony within its composition.

Available in open access here 👉


  • published 25 September 2023
  • modified 19 December 2023