Carla Cerqueira participates in Ordem do Dia TV Program
On the morning of March 1st, Carla Cerqueira, the principal investigator of the FEMglocal - Glocal feminist movements: interactions and contradictions research project, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through national funds (PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021 / DOI 10.54499/PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021), was invited to join the “Ordem do Dia” TV program on Porto Canal. In an episode dedicated to exploring parenthood, gender disparities, and the labor market, Carla Cerqueira shared insightful perspectives on these themes.
She underscored that recent studies indicate men continue to make strides in their careers, while women are not experiencing the same progress. Even though there is still a long way to go before gender equality and finding a work-life balance are achieved, it is critical to recognize the significance of initiatives like this one. They encourage introspection and conversation, which in turn promotes the creation of a future that is more just and equitable for everyone.