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Universidade Lusófona

CICANT researchers publish in Inclusive Education journal from Brazil

Based on an article previously published in English as part of the GIM Project (COFAC/ILIND/CICANT/1/2020), CICANT researchers José Neves, Carla Sousa and Cátia Casimiro were invited to publish in the Brazilian magazine Saber Incluir, which specializes in the field of Education, mainly Special Education, Bilingual Education for the Deaf and/or Inclusion of People with Disabilities.

The invitation made it possible to disseminate the work carried out during the project across borders and make known the results of the application of a tangible game, the Inclusive Glossary of Mathematical Terms (GIM), to support the teaching of mathematics and Portuguese Sign Language (LGP) to pre-school and elementary school children, with an emphasis on inclusive education, knowledge acquisition and engagement.

The article has already been published and is available in open access here.



  • published 11 September 2023
  • modified 28 May 2024