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Universidade Lusófona

CICANT researcher participates in panel about youth and disinformation the National Conference of EYP the Netherlands 2024

Researcher Ana Filipa Oliveira was a guest panelist at the National Conference of EYP the Netherlands 2024. The conference took place in Utrecht between the 23rd and the 27th of May and gathered young people from different parts of the Netherlands. Invited by the conference organizers, Ana F. Oliveira took part in a panel on Young People and Disinformation together with Frederica Russo, full professor in philosophy and ethics of techno-science at Utrech University, and Milou Vollebregt, editor at #UseTheNews and research assistant at the Lectureship of Quality Journalism in Digital Transition at the University of Applied Sciences of Utrecht.

During the session, attended by around 100 young people from different parts of the Netherlands, the speakers discussed the impact of disinformation on citizenship, the importance of promoting media and digital literacy and the opportunities that new digital contexts have brought to youth participation. The event was also marked by disinformation and political propaganda in the run-up to the 2024 European elections.

  • published 10 June 2024
  • modified 11 June 2024