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Universidade Lusófona

#MediaLiteracyInsights: the MeLCi Lab’s podcast series

MeLCi Lab launched a new podcast series - #MediaLiteracyInsights. 

The first episode features Vivian Ragel from MalditaEduca, the educational division of Spain’s renowned fact-checking agency - @Maldida. In this episode, the topic of Vivian’s discussion is the essential role of Media Literacy during election periods.

The second episode is already available. Sérgio Gomes da Silva, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, discusses media education at election time and disinformation at election time.

This podcast series underscores the importance of Media Literacy in safeguarding democracy and ensuring election integrity.

The episodes are available here - 

  • published 11 June 2024
  • modified 17 July 2024