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Universidade Lusófona

CICANT wins funding for European project on virtual production and artificial intelligence in cinema and audiovisuals

Lusófona University through DCAM - Department of Cinema and Media Arts and CICANT - Center for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, Arts and Information Technologies, has just seen the Cutting Edges project approved by the European Commission through the Erasmus + Knowledge Alliances program.

This innovative project deals with the implications of virtual production and artificial intelligence in the fields of audiovisual and film production and its main objective is to develop tools and strategies that can support the industry and the education sector in their processes of adapting to the challenges and opportunities that these disruptive technologies bring.

The project is led by the Turku University of Applied Sciences in Finland and includes other FilmEU partners such as IADT and the FilmEU Association itself, as well as several other universities and companies from different European countries.

  • published 15 July 2024
  • modified 24 July 2024