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Universidade Lusófona

DCBox launches book to showcase the major achievements of the project 

The DCBox project justy launched the book "Enriching heritage through digital curation. Practice and training handbook". The book presents the major results of the project and is now available on the Publica Press website - here.


Enriching heritage through digital curation. Practice and training handbook

Editors: Ramona Quattrini, Carlos Smaniotto Costa, Catarina Patricio

2024 ISBN 9788899586423

This book aims to showcase the major achievements of the project DCbox, that investigated the figure of digital curator, for 30 months. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the current landscape of professional skills in Cultural Heritage, delineating existing needs and emerging trends. Additionally, it outlines the design of the DCbox learning approach for the 4 Digital Curator skill set, which encompasses various compe-tencies and learning objectives. The book elucidates, from both theoretical and practical perspectives, the implementa-tion of the MOOC titled ‘Supporting the Digital Transformation of Museums: The DCbox Approach’. Moreover, it provides in-sights from proactive learning experiences within the Living Labs, where diverse prototypes of curatorial practices were explored, ranging from virtual reality to storytelling, gamification, and online digital collections. These Living Labs, established in each participating university and beyond, with the involvement of new associated partners, ensure the project’s sustainability and underscore the creation of a community. The handbook outlines all these outcomes meth-odologically, while also offering perspectives from learners and tutors engaged in the framework. In particular, the essay section is devoted to frame the activities of the project in a larger and cross-disciplinary scenario as well as it serves as a thought-provoking exploration into emerging trends and paradigm shifts in the relationship between all the emerging technologies and cultural heritage. 


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  • published 15 July 2024
  • modified 26 July 2024