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Universidade Lusófona

MagLab’s coordinators supervise article published in Portuguese newsmagazine Sábado

MagLab is pleased to announce that Taila Barros, a final-year student in the BA in Communication and Journalism (DCC/ECATI) published the article “Uma viagem pela arte urbana na Cova da Moura” in the Portuguese newsmagazine Sábado. This work was developed under the supervision of the researchers Carla Rodrigues Cardoso and Ana Figueiras, MagLab’s scientific coordinators. The publication in Sábado is the result of a partnership established with Medialivre four years ago, which aims to publicise the best features produced in the course “Magazine Journalism in the Digital Age” in its magazines.

  • published 07 September 2024
  • modified 10 September 2024