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Universidade Lusófona

On&Off's final event explores Digital Media Atmospheres

The On&Off project, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), will host its final event on the 24th of october. The hybrid workshop will explore the themes of atmospheres, moods, and vibes in relation to digital media. Scholars from the fields of Audience Studies and Digital Culture will gather to discuss these ideas at the event, which also marks the presentation of the project’s final results.

The workshop will feature international experts, including project advisors Aleena Chia (Goldsmiths, University of London) and André Jansson (Karlstad University), as well as invited guests Peter Lunt (University of Leicester) and Ludmila Lupinacci (University of Leeds).

The event will take place online (via Zoom) and also at the José Araújo Auditorium, Vítor de Sá Library, Lusófona University - Lisbon University Center.

Registration is free but mandatory. More information is available here.


Preliminary programme

10:00 WEST - 11:00

The Felt Experience of Atmosphere: Implications for Audience Research - Peter Lunt (University of Leicester)

On&Off: Atmospheres in Media Dis/connection - Ana Jorge (Lusófona University)


11:20 WEST - 12:30

Activisms and social media ambiences - Sofia Caldeira (Lusófona University)

Mixed Feelings: on the platformisation of ‘moods’ and ‘vibes’ - Ludmila Lupinacci (University of Leeds)


13:45 WEST- 15:15

Pilgrims and affective temporalities - Ana Jorge (Lusófona University)

Families and domesticities - Francisca Porfírio (Lusófona University)

Comments by André Jansson (Karlstad University) and Victoria Andelsman Alvarez (University of Copenhagen)


15:30 WEST Affective intensities of dis/connection in mourning (Ionara Silva, Lusófona University)

16:00 WEST Closing Remarks (Aleena Chia, Goldsmiths, University of London, and André Jansson, Karlstad University)

  • published 14 October 2024
  • modified 16 October 2024