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Universidade Lusófona

Julian McDougall Doing Text in the Third Space

Arts-based research in media and communication: experience-based discussion about knowing and disseminating knowledge

This keynote will present a way of working with methods, participants and data for ‘third space’ research in media, literacy and education. Our everyday lives and our identities are mediated, but we make media meaning by putting texts to work in assemblages. Media literacy research and practice with the intention of connecting the everyday media literacies of participants with agentive capabilities for civic engagement needs to work in the space in between the first space of living literacies and the second spaces of research and education. The presentation will share and discusses a range of research projects which have used media texts to explore the lived experience of research participants. These projects mix traditional social-science research methods with methods from arts and the humanities, including identity and narrative work, storytelling and metaphor, media texts and the generation of ‘live’ data. The keynote will present this approach and then ask participants to design their own third space.


Biographical note

Julian McDougall is Professor in Media and Education Head of the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice and leads the Professional Doctorate (Ed D) in Creative and Media Education at Bournemouth University. He convenes the annual International Media Education Summit and the author of over 100 books, articles, chapters and research reports on media education and media literacy. He has provided research for research councils, media industry, charities and non-profit organisations and given keynote speeches and joined invited expert panels in over 20 countries. He is co-editor of the Routledge Research in Media Literacy and Education book series; was a founding editor of the Media Education Research Journal and edited Media Practice and Education from 2014 to 2020. In 2021, Julian has provided digital and media literacy research and consultancy to ITV, BBC Media Action and for the European Commission's Digital Education Hub and published his latest book, 'Critical Approaches to Online Learning'.


  • published 12 September 2021
  • modified 17 September 2021