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Universidade Lusófona

MeLCi Lab Webinars - "Media Literacy and the Effect of Socialization", Christine W. Trültzsch-Wijnen

The next MeLCi Lab Webinars event has Christine W. Trültzsch-Wijnen (Salzburg University of Education) as a guest, with the communication "Media Literacy and the Effect of Socialization".  The session will be held on  November 19, 4.30 pm (UTC) on Zoom.

Title: Media Literacy and the Effect of Socialization

Abstract: In today’s world digital literacy or media literacy (that goes beyond the digital environment) is important for children, adolescents as well as adults. It comprises a diverse set of skills, knowledge and abilities that enable an individual to critically reflect media, to use media with discernment as well as in a self-determined way. Media literacy is taught at school and supported in working environments but much knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired in informal learning settings as for example in the family or in peer groups. Since babies are born into a mediatized world, they develop media literacy from their earliest days. Also, adults never stop gaining media related knowledge and skills because the development of the media environment is an ongoing process. The webinar questions how media literacy is related to the process of socialization and discusses the social factors that foster self-determined media activity.

CV: Christine is professor for media education at Salzburg University of Education Stefan Zweig (Austria) as well as associate professor (doc.) at Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic). The main focus of her research is on audience research, media and socialization, media literacy and media education. She has been part of several international research projects as e.g. Cost IS1410 DigiLitEy or KiDiCoTi (JRC). Her recent monograph is on "Media Literacy and the Effect of Socialization" (Springer 2020).

Chair: Maria José Brites

  • published 10 November 2021
  • modified 03 January 2022