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Universidade Lusófona

CYANOTYPES website launch

The 4-year project CYANOTYPES was officially launched on November 21st. This pan-European project addresses the Cultural and Creative Industries sector's needs and skills gaps. By challenging existing frameworks, CYANOTYPES aims to question what innovative, multidisciplinary structures, strategic interventions and concrete skills development solutions can be adopted across the European CCI ecosystem. 

The project gathers stakeholders from all corners of the CCI sector and beyond as it calls for a radical shift that recognises the sector's potential for innovation, competitiveness, and resilience, and that reacts to and rebounds from current global challenges such as global pandemics, digital transition, conflict, and the climate crisis.

Know more about CYANOTYPES in the official website.


About the project

CYANOTYPES is a 4-year project bringing together a wide variety of organisations, stakeholders, and European networks to address the needs and skills gaps in the Cultural & Creative Industries. CYANOTYPES is part of Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ Programme. The project title CYANOTYPES references the iron-based photographic process that gave the name to the "blueprint" we know today. Inspired by this key moment of innovation, CYANOTYPES sees in this very practice an exemplary episode from the pre-digital archive of arts-and-technology experimentation that inspires creators to this day.

CYANOTYPES is part of Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ Programme. 







  • published 23 November 2022
  • modified 03 October 2023