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Universidade Lusófona

Teresa Sofia Castro invited for ICA panel

Teresa Sofia Castro, CICANT researcher, was invited to participate in a panel at the ICA conference. The panel, whose central theme is Children and Media research (CAM), will present examples of five different countries, considering CAM research as an approach that not only helps formulate more relevant research questions, but also ensures that results reach those who will benefit most, helping to maximize impact. 

Teresa Sofia Castro will deliver a talk entitled “Engaged research with children and families: collecting and presenting data with methodological responsibility”. She will address methodological responsibility and innovation in research, bringing examples of engaging and creative methods used in CAM research and how some transformed into pedagogical products with social value. 

ICA’s annual conference will take place in University of Toronto between may 25th-29th.






  • published 16 February 2023
  • modified 27 February 2023