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Universidade Lusófona

Conference "The turn to the planetarium" at Porto Municipal Theatre – Rivoli

The Conference “The turn to the planetarium” by José Bragança de Miranda will take place on the 7th of march, at Porto Municipal Theatre - Rivoli. The event is part of the VI Conference Cycle Lusófona University / Rivoli 'Espaços, lugares e territorialidades' [Spaces, places and territorialities], organized by CICANT researchers Isabel Babo, Manuel Bogalheiro and Universidade Lusófona's Dean José Bragança de Miranda.


One speaks of globalization, cosmopolitanism, imperialism or Gaia, among other expressions, to account for a transpolitical change that is announced in our relationship with the Earth and that is a promise, for some, a threat to others. The turn towards the planetary, which was announced with Copernicus or Walter Benjamin, becomes essential to apprehend the powers that are currently loose on Earth, as well as the way to respond to their height. On the other hand, this turn allows us to better think about the limiting conditions in which we act. In this conference, we try to question the turn towards the planetary, analyze the way in which Heidegger denounces it, at the same time that he invents it, and, above all, reveals its inevitability. It seems like a minor, terminological change, which, however, could be cosmic in scope.


José Bragança de Miranda

José A. Bragança de Miranda holds a PhD in Communication Sciences from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1990), with Aggregation in «Theory of Culture» (2000) at the same University, where he was an associate professor in the Department of Communication Sciences. He has been collaborating since 1992 as a visiting professor at Universidade Lusófona, where he currently serves as Rector. He has lectured in the areas of culture theory and contemporary arts, media theory, cyberculture and political theory. He is a CICANT researcher. He is the author of several books, including Analítica da Actualidade (1994), Política e Modernidade (1997), Traços: ensaios de crítica da cultura (1998), Teoria da Cultura (2002), Corpo e Imagem (2008). Very soon, his most recent book will be published: Constelações: ensaios sobre cultura e técnica na contemporaneidade.




  • published 24 February 2023
  • modified 05 April 2023