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Universidade Lusófona

Build resilience to climate change by promoting cultural and natural heritage in local and rural communities

Build resilience to climate change by promoting cultural and natural heritage in local and rural communities. It was with this motto that the CLIMAID project consortium met in Zaragoza on 22 May. With an agenda focused on project management and advancing on planned workpackages, the agenda also included the first technical and research visit provided for in the application. 

The group, composed by representatives from Lusófona /CICANT (Portugal), University of Zaragoza and Boa Mistura (Spain), Roman Archaeological Group (Italy), CenreDOT (Cyprus) and Municipality of Ios (Greece), participated in a guided visit to Aljaferia Palace, where they experienced how the construction and the materials used transmit different thermal and sensorial sensations, discussing possible ways to include in this monument new forms of urban art that don't affect the preservation of the cultural heritage. 

You can follow this work on our website, in the projects area.


  • published 25 May 2023
  • modified 03 October 2023