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Universidade Lusófona

Célia Taborda at the XVII International Seminar: Overarching Issues on the European Area

Célia Taborda, Co-Principal Investigator of the research project “FEMglocal - Glocal feminist movements: interactions and contradictions” (funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through national funds - PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021), delivered a presentation titled “A greve como repertório de ação do movimento feminista 8 M” (Strikes as Repertoires of Action in the 8M Feminist Movement) at the XVII International Seminar: Overarching Issues on the European Area. 

The presentation explored how the feminist movement has experienced cycles of demands and protests throughout history, with strikes emerging as a significant form of collective action. The international feminist movement has adopted strikes to reinvigorate International Women’s Day, with notable impacts seen in Europe, including the feminist strike in Spain in 2018. In Portugal, the feminist strike also made a smaller impact in 2019, raising questions about the movement’s evolving strategies and its alignment with transnational dynamics.

  • published 06 June 2023
  • modified 03 October 2023