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Universidade Lusófona

Early Career Scholars group officially launched

On May 25th, 2023 the Early Career Scholars held its first meeting. This meeting served the purpose of presenting the initiative and collecting opinions and needs from early career researchers studying or working at CICANT. This comprises master's and doctoral students and doctorates for less than 5 years.

The Early Career Scholars initiative was created with the aim of promoting the integration of CICANT’s early career researchers, and developing a space where people can share their experiences and/or doubts with the community. The group also aims at encouraging collaboration between the two university centers of Lusófona University, and promoting peer-support within the community and mentorship through mentor sessions with senior researchers. Through this initiative CICANT intends to aggregate its community and provide space for sharing and mutual growth to those who are starting their journey in research.

The next gathering will be on July 13th, 2013.

  • published 06 June 2023
  • modified 03 October 2023