FEMglocal's - Results presented at conferences and events
Between June and July, 2023, researchers from the “FEMglocal - Glocal feminist movements: interactions and contradictions” project, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through national funds (PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021), participated in international conferences and congresses, sharing their insightful research findings and project-related knowledge.
On June 29th, Priscilla Domingos (PhD Fellow), presented her communication “From the Web to the Streets: Analyzing Portuguese News Coverage of the #EleNão Feminist Movement” at the VIII Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes InvestigadorXs con perspectiva de género (VIII International Congress of Young Investigators with a gender perspective). She focused on the newsmagazine Sábado to look at how the #EleNão feminist movement was portrayed in the Portuguese media.
On July 5th, Ana Sofia Pereira (Post-Doc Fellow), alongside Vanessa Rodrigues, presented the paper “Activist and intersectional perspectives in documentary cinema. The case of Porto/Post/Doc’s winning films: possible contributions to FEMglocal’s documentary” at the COMbART International Conference on Arts, Activism, and Citizenships. Their study examined the winning films from the past nine editions of the Porto/Post/Doc film festival. By analyzing factors such as the gender of the filmmakers, thematic axes, modes of representation, and production countries, the researchers sought to ascertain the festival’s stance on activist documentaries and its inclusion of a gender perspective in the portrayal of women as both subjects and creators.
On July 6th, researchers Ana Sofia Pereira (Post-Doc Fellow), Sónia Lamy, Carla Cerqueira (PI), and Célia Taborda (Co-PI) presented their paper titled “Communicating for Change: Strategies used by Portuguese Feminist Groups - Success and Challenges” at the ECREA OSC Conference on “The normative imperative: Sociopolitical challenges of strategic and organizational communication”. This paper focused on examining the communication strategies employed by Portuguese feminist groups, analyzing their successes and challenges in effectively conveying their agendas and addressing the socio-political obstacles that hinder meaningful change.
- published 07 July 2023
- modified 03 October 2023