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Universidade Lusófona

CICANT researchers awarded at the University Day

Last March, the university centres of Porto and Lisbon celebrated the University Day. The ceremonies conducted in both centers sought to celebrate the educational project that began more than thirty years ago and that recently entered a new phase of the University, with the joining of the two University Centres. During the ceremonies, students, teachers and employees who stood out at professional and/or academic level were distinguished and prizes were awarded.

On March 24 took place, the University Day at the University Centre of Porto. Researcher Maria José Brites received the "Scientific Incentive Award", whose objective is to encourage and increase research and innovation.

On the 31st took place the ceremony at the University Centre of Lisbon, during which professors João Abrantes and Deodato Guerreiro were awarded for their academic career and scientific production with the Lusófona University's Gold Medal of Recognition and Merit. This cerimony was also marked by the lecture "The European Universities and the Future" delivered by Manuel José Damásio, member of the board of CICANT.