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Universidade Lusófona

Carla Rodrigues Cardoso

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Media, Society and Literacies

Carla Rodrigues Cardoso holds a PhD in Communication Sciences by NOVA University of Lisbon. At Lusófona University, she is Associate Professor and integrated researcher at CICANT, where she is the scientific coordinator of MagLab - Magazine Media Lab, the first international Lab on Magazine Studies. MagLab unites in its MagNet more than 40 researchers from around the world. Read full bio here.


2015: PhD in Communication Sciences. FCSH – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

2006: Master’s Degree in Communication Sciences. FCSH – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

1995: Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences. FCSH – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Main research interests

Journalism Studies, Magazine Studies, History of Journalism, Journalism Education, Media Literacy