Havva YAMAN is currently a student of the PhD programme Science Education at Trabzon University in Türkiye. She develops her thesis with the theme “educational games in science education for students with learning disabilities”. Previously, she completed her Bachelor's degree in Elementary Science Education at Middle East Technical University. She completed her Master's degree in Science Education at the Institute of Educational Sciences at Eskisehir Osmangazi University. As of 2018, she is a research assistant in Department of the Mathematics and Science Education at the Trabzon University.
Currently, her Ph.D. thesis, which is a large project nationwide, has been awarded to be supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK) (Grant no:121G187). She participates in various research projects focusing on her area of study as an educator, academic consultant, and scholar. Additionally, through TUBITAK 2209-A - Research Project Support Programme for Undergraduate Students, she offers academic consulting for projects involving undergraduate students. As an author and co-author, she has multiple publications published in peer-reviewed journals.
As part of the TUBITAK 2214A- International Research Fellowship Programme for PhD Students, Havva is currently a visiting researcher at Lusófona University. She is now part of the Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies- CICANT's research work on a daily basis, including Games and Social Impact Media Research Lab (GLOW) activities, at Lusófona University. Also Havva is a visiting scholar in the project Games Inclusion Lab: Participatory Media Creation Processes for Accessibility (Project Reference: 2022.07939.PTDC). This is a really excellent educational experience for her.
Main research interests
Science Education, Eduational Games, Social Skills Training