Nazaré Imersiva
Nazaré Imersiva
Project Reference
Start / End
01/06/2020 - 30/05/2021
Funding (Total)
Funding Programme
Seedfunding CICANT
Past Projects
Leading Partner
Célia Quico
Ministério da Cultura/ Direcção Regional de Cultura do Centro/ Museu Dr. Joaquim Manso da Nazaré
Casas do Quico / Quico Turismo Lda
Confraria de Nossa Senhora da Nazaré
Portugal's seascapes and immersive media: representations of Nazaré from early 20th century stereoscopic photographs to early 21st century 360º videos
Portugal’s Seascapes & Immersive Media: Nazaré Immersive is a transdisciplinary exploratory project supported by ULHT-CICANT that aims to develop and test immersive experiences of stretches of the Portuguese coast, based in this specific case on the collection of stereoscopic photographs by Álvaro Laborinho dated from the beginning of the 20th century and belonging to the collection of Dr. Joaquim Manso Museum in Nazaré.
From the re-mediation of Álvaro Laborinho's stereoscopic photographs - in the sense of Bolton & Grusin (1998) - we propose the production of new analogue and digital contents, as well as the respective supports and exhibition materials, namely:
- a 360º virtual reality (VR) video
- an interactive application for the 360º video;
- a website to support the project;
- a dome for shared VR experiences;
- several exhibition materials: printed panoramic screens, exhibition supports, printed stereoscopic cards for stereoscopic viewers.
Célia Quico