Erasmus +
Past Projects
CICANT – ULHT (Portugal)
Italienische Handelskammer München-Stuttgart Camera di Commercio Italo-Tedesca (Germany)
CICANT – ULHT (Portugal)

The European Union has set important growth targets for the 2014-2020 programming period. Among these, those most relevant to our project are those related to raising the employment rate in a Europe marked by the severe economic situation in which it fell at the end of the first 10 years of the new millennium. In this regard, the Commission presented “the agenda for new skills and jobs”, where the aim is to lay the foundations for modernizing labour markets and increase employment levels.
Our project intends to make new teaching models structural and permanent (based on digital platforms with multi-linear teaching paths, ranging from e-learning to serious gaming, able to customize the teaching procedures and offer tools for informal learning from the perfect scalability) and new training profiles (such as the media educator, indispensable for the creation of an educational system in line with the needs and opportunities offered by the labour market) to integrate, and not make disappear, the skills of classical knowledge and our cultural heritage with the productive, artistic and media forms of contemporary life.
Today educational institutions, training institutes and companies are facing the complex and radical transformations caused by the increase and impact of digital media. Leading them in the transition to the digital age and towards innovative approaches is essential to keep Europe competitive on the international scene. Through a trans-sectorial approach, which promotes cooperation between organizations in various sectors, the project intends to invest in the development of skills, both to increase the employment potential and the career prospects of students and to improve and strengthen the quality of the teaching and learning.
Expected results:
- Promote the recognition of the professional qualification of the “Media Educator” and its introduction in the NCO – National Occupational Classifications – of the 7 partner countries;
- Introduce, in the National Repertoires for the certification of the competencies of the partner countries involved, a specific title of education and training, also through a shared system of recognition of educational credits in a European key;
- TESEO Toolkit (O2). The output of the project consists in building a web app that aims to provide interactive, modular, integrated, connected, social, open content, as well as educational paths: the goal is to allow teachers and students of universities and high schools, educators and youth workers, to interact dynamically with advanced teaching resources structured according to an integrated communication system, in order to obtain measurable learning and self-learning results in the field of media education;
- Collaborate in the implementation of European skills recognition initiatives – European Qualifications Framework (EQF) – and in the implementation of instruments for entry into the labour market – ESCO;
- European Skills, Competencies, Qualifications and Occupations / EURES – European Employment Services;
- Create 7 cross-sectoral learning communities (also through the realization of Learning / Teaching / Training Activities), which bring together their research and work experiences and practices to build a new model of knowledge training and dissemination;
- Implement 4 multiplier events for the dissemination of the activities carried out and the public presentation of the TESEO toolkit;
- Implement an inter-university Master’s Degree (O1) which is a replicable teaching model in all European Union countries, to support educational and training institutions in the transition to the digital age.
Main participating groups:
- Academic world: groups of researchers and students belonging to partner and associated universities;
- Educators of the tertiary and secondary education system;
- Entrepreneurs, trainers, administrators and managers: the project aims to support the modernization of the labour market, through the validation of new transversal skills that are indispensable in many professional segments.