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Universidade Lusófona

Empowering Europeans Against Disinformation



Project Reference


Start / End

01/01/2023 – 31/12/2024

Funding (Total)


Funding Programme

Ongoing Projects

Leading Partner

Empowering Europeans Against Disinformation

The project aims to increase civic and democratic engagement by equipping citizens with media literacy skills to build resilience to disinformation with a strong focus on transnational civil society strengthening. The long-term impact is that citizens, particularly those belonging to vulnerable groups, are empowered and increasingly engaged and participate in civic and democratic life.

Objective 1: Build media literacy skills of citizens to take action against disinformation through training and awareness-raising events across Europe.

Outputs: inclusive on- and offline capacity building events targeting 431 vulnerable citizens, covering media literacy, digital activism (campaigning, narratives).

Result: Citizens (specifically vulnerable groups) have improved media literacy skills, knowledge, and awareness of tactics to take action against disinformation.

Objective 2: Strengthen and grow our transnational network of civic activists across Europe to promote civic engagement initiatives at the local level.

Outputs: transnational events targeting 55 civic activists through training of trainers, mutual learning and capacity building workshops, covering tools to combat disinformation and exclusion.

Result: A transnational network of civic activists across Europe is strengthened and increased, with improved knowledge, exchange and network opportunities in support of civic engagement.

Objective 3: Increase the collaboration of citizens to build resilience to disinformation and promote civic engagement. Outputs: mini-projects or so-called citizen-led Local Action Plans (campaigns, debates, etc.) and an international conference that will bring together key stakeholders for cooperation and connection, targeting 601 direct participants, and over 1.000 indirect participants. Result: Collaboration is increased amongst citizens to build resilience to disinformation and promote civic engagement.


José Paulo Oliveira

Ana Filipa Oliveira

Claudilene Perim