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Universidade Lusófona

FEMglocal at the IV International Conference Activisms in Africa

On January 26, Carla Cerqueira (PI of the research Project FEMglocal – Glocal feminist movements: interactions and contradictions - PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021) presented the paper “Ativismos feministas transnacionais contemporâneos: entre o digital e o presencial” [“Contemporary transnational feminist activisms: between digital and face-to-face”] at the IV International Conference Activisms in Africa. The paper was co-authored with Célia Taborda (FEMglocal’s Co-PI) and Ana Sofia Pereira (FEMglocal’s Post-Doc Fellow), and presented on the panel “Realidades Sociais, Ativismos e Internet: novas vozes na contemporaneidade” [“Social Realities, Activisms and Internet: new contemporary voices”] 

This paper focuses on the uprising of activism, collective actions and activist movements of feminist nature, with an intersectional and transnational approach, which have had an expression in the national context. It questions how new forms of activism, which articulate their action online and on the streets in a kind of relational continuum, can serve as a tool for historical reparation, encouraging intergenerationality and intersectionality.

  • published 01 February 2023
  • modified 03 October 2023