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Universidade Lusófona

MeLCi Lab

The MeLCi Lab – Media Literacy and Civic Cultures Lab is a laboratory of CICANT – Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies. The primary mission of MeLCi Lab is to aggregate researchers and the research done at CICANT in the field of media education and civic cultures, in connection with everyday life in today’s deep mediatized and digitized society.


Besides, MeLCi Lab also is a space for tracking research, researchers, entities and institutions that, in Portugal and abroad, work in the field of media education and civic cultures.

The MeLCi Lab intends to affirm itself as the place for the exchange of theoretical and empirical experiences in the field, both in academia and in the civil society. Even if MeLCi Lab areas have significantly evolved in recent years, there is still much work to be done, namely in the level of public policies, audiences and training proposals. For this reason, MeLCi Lab will be attentive to these needs to undertake actions to improve the field.

At MeLCi Lab, we are sure that this mission is also a mission of committed citizenship in building a more cohesive, dynamic and civic society.


MelCi Lab Autumn School 2021


MelCi Lab Autumn School 2022


MelCi Lab Autumn School 2023


MelCi Lab Autumn School 2024